Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hi! I’m Vanessa J. What I enjoy most about our English class is reading all those stories and learning about new authors from around the globe. I really like The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho regardless of how many people disliked it. I also enjoy the activities we get to do when we get into groups. I like to hear the other student’s thoughts and ideas on the things we read because we all get to brainstorm together and it’s like “oh yeah, good observation there fellow student! I didn’t think of that!” and that’s always really good! :D
Henrik ibsen is one of the “great ones” of the 19th-century Norwegian literature. Henrik is well known for his drama. He left romantic style, and brought it all on stage. He was born in Skien, Norway, march 20th 1823.  Growing up, his family faced financial issues and no support from their friends so they moved to Venstop farmhouse provided by the creditors.  Isben wanted to become an artist. His mother was a painter and loved theatre. Poverty became an obstacle for Ibsen’s education. He attended Heltburg’s “student factory”, which is an unordinary school and then attended Christiania University. It’s believed that Isben has suffered from depression and had thoughts of suicide. He wrote poetry and has a number of art works of sketches, paintings and more. He travelled often and worked on stage productions all around the world. He became ill and died on May 23, 1906.
Well according to the title, A Doll’s House, I think it has to do with a family household. The whole idea I get from the word ‘doll’ is like a play toy. And a doll is controlled when it’s played with. So I feel like the household is controlled. I also feel like this has to do with women rights or an act of a woman getting her say in things because of this worksheet we did in class. So putting those two factors together I think this play has to do with a unspoken  woman who lives in a sexist time period who just gets walked on and all her life and is told what to do and things of that sort but she will finally have to stand for herself at a certain point.
Here are my sources:

1 comment:

Mrs. C. Santos said...

Your not the only one who enjoyed The Alchemist. Many students have been telling me that they enjoyed it as well. :)